Seize the Day

Fundraising for:
Walk For Story
Team Captain:
Kevin Lasit

From Seize the Day

Story Summit is a non-profit writing organization that helps new writers with their projects, be it novel or screenplay. It's all about STORY! Let's help other writers!

Storyteller Foundation

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Kevin Lasit posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #2

WOW!!! Thank you to all who donated to Walk for Story to help emerging female writers. All funds will go toward the scholarship winners for the next Story Summit. I also want to thank my teammate, Julia, for walking on Sunday! She has had many of her friends and family donate and team Seize the Day now has $1654!!! Way to go Julia. Thank you to all the friends and family who donated to help out with the scholarships.

The Fundly page will remain open for 3 more days.... so if anyone can please share this link, we would so appreciate all the extra help. Thanks again to ALL.

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Kevin Lasit posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #1

Thank you to all my supporters for the upcoming Walk for Story, a walkathon to assist and empower female writers with scholarships. My personal goal was accomplished... $500! I checked this morning and I actually passed it and now have over $600! THANK YOU!!! I am also a Team Leader for the walkathon and my team has a collective goal of $1000.00. Thank you to all who have already made a donation. I am thankful for all the support.

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